Interesting Facts About Sri Lankan People

Only people from Sri Lankan will know these things!Discover The Sri Lankan WAY

1. You eat rice and curry (specially parippu) for breakfast, lunch and dinner

2. You get it on to Baila/Papare music.

3. You refer to friends by calling them “Machan” instead of “dude”

4.Your parents go to the shop and ask for washing powder as ‘Rinso’

5. You use Siddhalepa, gripe water and Panadol to solve your medical problems
6. You have a Singer sewing machine at home.

7. You call an older person you’ve never met before uncle or “aunty”
8.You’re walking out of customs with your trolley at the airport and you see all twenty-five members of your family who have come to pick you up.
9. No one ever seems to call ahead of time to say they are coming over for a visit.
10. At a function or party your parents say that they are leaving, but often take another hour saying goodbye at the door.
11. Whenever something sad happens to anyone or any animal for that matter you automatically say “aney pouuuuuu…
“(sooooo saaaaad)
12. When something gross happens or talking about anything that’s disgusting,bad,etc. you say “Chi Chi Chi…”.
13. You salt and pepper your mangoes, and every other fruit you eat…
14.You grew up on Marmite and Glucose powder…and often faked a stomach ache so that you could drink Gripe water.
15.When people shout “issaraha bahinawa” (getting down front) in busses..
16.You get invited to dinner at an “uncles” house for 7:00pm; You get there at 8:30 and dinner is served at 11:58 pm; The arrack induced fathers start singing at 1:00 am while the mothers start making idle chit chat about the “old days in Sri Lanka”…By 3:00am your “auntie” forces you to drink coffee so that you can get a good nights sleep when you get home at 6:00 AM.
17.Everyone is a family friend.
18-When your version of cookies and milk equals to”Marie biscuits” and Pure Ceylon Tea.

19.When you know that “short eats” are nothing short of delicious, fattening and extremely addictive…

20.When everything is dipped in “plain tea” or eaten with coconut sambol.

##.When you smile after reading this whole list.##


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